Porn Addiction - Relationship - Therapy & Recovery

If you believe you are suffering with porn addiction – you should contact The Hudson Centre today as we believe we can help you. Based in the heart of London, we are a dedicated practice that is safe and discreet, always ensuring that clients feel respected and are supported through every step of their journey. We successfully deliver personalised and comprehensive treatment for trauma and addiction, including psychotherapy for individuals, couples and groups.

One of our most popular services is the successful One Week Men’s Intensive Programmes which has been developed specifically for individuals struggling with Compulsive Sexual Behaviour and sexually compulsive behaviours, such as porn addiction. We use psychoeducation and group therapy to encourage positive change. The group works together, supports each other and shares their similar issues. Progress is evidenced by increased awareness and the ability to make healthy choices versus being driven by impulses.

Our main focus is on rebuilding healthy relationships with oneself and others, so you know we are the clinic you need to contact. Our reputation for our customer advocacy and reliability is truly outstanding. This is something are very proud to uphold with all the clients we work with, especially because one of our main priorities is to ensure our customers are 100% happy with the porn addiction therapy we provide them with.

If you are interested in therapy for porn addiction at The Hudson Centre, you should contact a member of our excellent customer service team today. You can rest assured that all correspondence is kept in the strictest confidence. Please call our office on +44 20 7493 4488 or use the contact form on our website and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.

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